Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yes - Way Overdue

Yep, life happens - just keeps getting in the way. I have just not felt like taking the time to update this blog.  I felt like nobody was reading it since few or no comments have  been getting posted.  I have had a bunch of people ask me recently why no updates.  When I ask for comments, I am not asking for lengthy ones.  Just a friendly how-de-do or thinking of you and your family Kim goes a long way.

I will now update the medical side of things.  My current chemotherapy drugs are: Oxaliplatin (which causes a weird side effect of making me very intolerant to cold things,) Epirubicin (which can cause hair loss and more nausea,) and Capecitabine (also known as Xeloda, which is the only oral med of the group.)  I get the first two drugs via my PIC line and the Xeloda via mouth for the rest of the three week cycle.  Then more blood tests and another round if tests are good.  I will start my third cycle next Tuesday.  Not feeling any better but not too much worse.  I really hate the cold intolerance.  Ice cream feels like biting into electricity.  Not worth the pain.  About 5-10 days after chemo the effect wears off and I get cold stuff for a short time before the next round starts.  No hair loss yet.  Actually had Brenda cut my hair because it was getting pretty bushy around the ears.  I am still taking a cough syrup every 4 hours and an anti-nausea drug every 6 hours.  Plus my usual anti-depression drug and stuff for constipation.

Physically, I am still pretty weak most of the time.  Easy to lose my balance too.  We got a scooter for me to use.  Got a heck of a deal on one we just couldn't pass up ($375 for a retail value scooter of $1700.)  The guy said he just didn't like it.  Insurance paid for most of it I guess.  I dunno but it is brand new and works great.  Just used it today at Farm & Fleet. I felt good enough for a little shopping.  I was in the doc's Thursday for a blood thinning test and dressing change on my PIC line.  My red blood count was way low so they gave me a shot to boost that up.  Guess it helped my energy level some.

Emotionally I am still pretty down most days.  The days seem to take forever and I don't sleep well at night.  Kids are pretty rambunctious and noisy alot and that wears me down too.  Kids will be kids but I do wish they would take my feelings into consideration some times.

As for the rest of the family, we are all going through various stages of a cold.  Brenda's feet are finally healing and she doesn't hobble around so bad now.  Cherae, Trey, and Daveon all are in basketball.  Brenda and Pierre have to do alot of running around for practices.  The first games are on Sunday.  Hope I feel up to going.  Kids are a hoot to watch trying to play basketball.

That about all I have for now.  PLEASE leave a comment if you read this.  Just say Hey if nothing else.  Then I know I am not wasting my time typing all this.  It does take energy, which I don't have alot to spare most days.  Take care and God Bless!