Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's!!

Well, looks like I made it until the new year, just minutes away.  Feel bad tonight, not eating much that will stay down so am very weak.  Hoping the new year brings me and my family some much needed relief.  Will go to the doctor's on Thursday (got delayed a day form some unknown reason.) Won't know til then whether chemo will continue.

Where's those comments? Am I talking to the wall again?  I really do need , and appreciate, comments.  Hate feeling like the the Lone Ranger. Only a few minutes til midnight. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S everybody!!!  Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another doctor's appointment

Actually, just an office visit I guess you would say.  They flush out my PICC line, after drawing some blood for tests.  Then they flush the line out with saline and re-bandage the whole site.  My INR, blood thinner test, was 2.5, right where they want that to be.  They ran something else but won't find out the results until next week.  I do talk to the doctor then and he will decide if I should restart the chemo.  Right now I am not feeling much stronger so I do not think he will want to restart.  I do not know what I want to do at this point.  I am weak and being off of chemo is not making me any stronger.  Not sure where that leaves me for now.  Guess I will just have to wait and see what the doctor says next Wednesday.

Feel kind of rotten right now.  Tired but can't seem to sleep good.  Hungry but get sick after eating most food.  Hell of an existence.  Kids been driving me crazy.  Can't wait for Xmas break to be over.  Their level of energy wears me out, lol. 

Enough prattle for now.  Take care and God Bless!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Balloon is Up!?

Well, what do I mean by that?  We had a doctor's appointment Tuesday morning.  I was supposed to have gotten chemo done.  My blood test results were all good, in normal ranges.  But because I am so weak the doc decided to give me a two week break off of chemo.  He said that would let us know if the chemo was doing me any better than doing nothing at all.  I am supposed to be getting the best treatment with the current chemo drugs.  But the doc has said several times already to us that there will come a time when the drugs will stop helping.  Then the clock starts ticking until the eventual end.  It could be weeks, months, or even years, though years seem highly unlikely.  I am still trying to stay positive but it is getting rougher every day.  I am weaker by the day it seems.  If I am not doing any better after the two week break I think I will go back on chemo, as long as the doc thinks it will prolong things.  I will fight til the bitter end but it is not looking good at this point.  Starting to think about wills and such.  Been putting it off but think it would be wise to get prepared.  Life is not fair, the kids keep saying.  Lord, don't I know that? 

People have been so great.  Xmas is going to good for the kids.  An insurance company has bought all of the kids presents.  They will get more from angel tree programs and a few other groups that have said they were sponsoring us.  Things had been looking pretty bleak since we have no income.  God seems to be providing for us as he sees fit.  Can't ask for more than that.  I got a cash advance on a life insurance policy so I could take care of some outstanding credit card bills.  Won't leave alot for the family like I would like to have provided but they will do okay.  Brenda is strong and there is lots of support from family and church and even the community in general.  Lesson to learn here people: prepare for the worst but expect the best.  You just never know when your number will get called and you get your ticket punched.  Life will never be fair so prepare for bad things to happen.  If nothing bad happens you will have lost nothing but a little time and effort.  Wish to heck now I had prepared a long time ago. 

Time for bed.  Take care and God Bless.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Just Another Day in Paradise?!?!?!

No, no really.  Got your attention though, huh?  I had another typical cruddy day.  Went to the doctor's office for my routine INR (blood clot test) and bandage change on my PICC line.  My blood tests were okay but they decided to check my electrolytes since I have been having so many problems keeping stuff down.  Ended up getting fluids there so was stuck sitting in their crappy recliner for over 2 hours.  They thought the fluids would make me feel a bit better - they thought wrongly :(  

We stopped at my mom's for a bit afterwards to visit and the came home.  I have done nothing since but lay down and rest/sleep.  Guess if that is what my body needs, that is what it will get.  Just makes for very monotonous days/weeks/months......

It all just seems to run together.  I figure if I can keep plugging away something has to change, hopefully for the better.  Brenda is out in this nasty weather getting me some needed medications.  Bless her heart, I know I would not have made it this far without her love and support.  But I still worry for her health.  I wish I could do more for myself.  Most days I am still took weak to even get my sorry butt outta bed without a gentle push from Brenda.  No strength at all in my upper body or so it seems.

Enough prattling for now.  Enjoyed the comments from the last blog entry.  Keep them coming - PLEASE!  It is one of my few pleasures in life, just to see that people still care and have not forgotten about me.  Take care and God Bless!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yes - Way Overdue

Yep, life happens - just keeps getting in the way. I have just not felt like taking the time to update this blog.  I felt like nobody was reading it since few or no comments have  been getting posted.  I have had a bunch of people ask me recently why no updates.  When I ask for comments, I am not asking for lengthy ones.  Just a friendly how-de-do or thinking of you and your family Kim goes a long way.

I will now update the medical side of things.  My current chemotherapy drugs are: Oxaliplatin (which causes a weird side effect of making me very intolerant to cold things,) Epirubicin (which can cause hair loss and more nausea,) and Capecitabine (also known as Xeloda, which is the only oral med of the group.)  I get the first two drugs via my PIC line and the Xeloda via mouth for the rest of the three week cycle.  Then more blood tests and another round if tests are good.  I will start my third cycle next Tuesday.  Not feeling any better but not too much worse.  I really hate the cold intolerance.  Ice cream feels like biting into electricity.  Not worth the pain.  About 5-10 days after chemo the effect wears off and I get cold stuff for a short time before the next round starts.  No hair loss yet.  Actually had Brenda cut my hair because it was getting pretty bushy around the ears.  I am still taking a cough syrup every 4 hours and an anti-nausea drug every 6 hours.  Plus my usual anti-depression drug and stuff for constipation.

Physically, I am still pretty weak most of the time.  Easy to lose my balance too.  We got a scooter for me to use.  Got a heck of a deal on one we just couldn't pass up ($375 for a retail value scooter of $1700.)  The guy said he just didn't like it.  Insurance paid for most of it I guess.  I dunno but it is brand new and works great.  Just used it today at Farm & Fleet. I felt good enough for a little shopping.  I was in the doc's Thursday for a blood thinning test and dressing change on my PIC line.  My red blood count was way low so they gave me a shot to boost that up.  Guess it helped my energy level some.

Emotionally I am still pretty down most days.  The days seem to take forever and I don't sleep well at night.  Kids are pretty rambunctious and noisy alot and that wears me down too.  Kids will be kids but I do wish they would take my feelings into consideration some times.

As for the rest of the family, we are all going through various stages of a cold.  Brenda's feet are finally healing and she doesn't hobble around so bad now.  Cherae, Trey, and Daveon all are in basketball.  Brenda and Pierre have to do alot of running around for practices.  The first games are on Sunday.  Hope I feel up to going.  Kids are a hoot to watch trying to play basketball.

That about all I have for now.  PLEASE leave a comment if you read this.  Just say Hey if nothing else.  Then I know I am not wasting my time typing all this.  It does take energy, which I don't have alot to spare most days.  Take care and God Bless!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pictures - for your enjoyment

Pierre's Cool Haircut



Pierre has been a great help to me and the family through this whole ordeal.  He is always asking what he can do for me.  I don't know what I would have done without his help and support.

Miracle - our royally spoiled kitten - recently turned 1 year old


Miracle - in one of her favorite boxes


Some recent pix of the kids






Trey and Daddy doing some snuggle time


Hope you enjoyed a peek into my world! 

The secret to Life: Live IT!  Treat every day like it could be your last because you just never know what curve balls life will throw at you.

Back - By Popular Demand

Yeah, I know it has been ages since my last update.  Hadn't been feeling too well and then I had major computer problems.  I had to get a new hard drive and added more RAM for good measure.  Took forever to get the hard drive loaded back up properly.  Good news is that it works like a champ now.  Cruises along like it should, no more Low System Resource errors like I was used to seeing frequently.  Amazing what Windows will do when you give it the horsepower it wants.  The hard drive is a bit faster than the old one.  Upped the RAM from 1.5 GB to 4.0GB.  Of course, XP only reports 3.5GB but it was a significant upgrade.

Alot has happened since my last update.  The heart scan was good so I was able to start chemo again.  I hate chemo but if it helps keep me alive I will tolerate it.  First I had to get a PIC line installed.  It is similar to having the infusion port in that it gives them easy access.  Basically, I have an IV port hanging from my right arm.  It keeps taped up in place pretty well.  It is located just above my right elbow.  It can also be used to draw blood for tests so that part is nice.  I hate getting stuck, especially since my veins are not in very good shape any more.

I got my PIC line put on Monday, the 8th and started chemo the next day.  I got two different drugs via the PIC line (Unfortunately I can't find the info on the names of those 2.)  The third drug I take orally, 2 tablets, twice daily.  That one is called Xeloda and it is used to make 5FU internally.  That is what I used to have to get via infusion pump all week.  So this is definitely easier to do.

I went back last Tuesday, the 15th, to get the PIC line flushed out and my blood tested.  I am still on warfarin, the blood thinner, so they have to keep a close eye on my levels.  Fortunately the levels are staying right where they want them so I have not had to increase the dosage.  I surely do not want to be in any position to bleed to death.  Can't win for losing LOL!

Trying my best to stay positive but it has been difficult to do with everything that has been going on.  Pierre did a pretty cool thing awhile ago.  He got a hair cut and had the words FIGHT and IT shaved into his hair.  I got pictures I will try to post here.  We all wear periwinkle blue rubber bracelets that have Say it - Fight It - Cure it on them.  Periwinkle blue is the color for gastric and esophageal cancer.  Pierre continues to be great help to me and the family.

I will sign off for now.  Going to try to find those pictures and get them posted here soon.  Take care and God Bless.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

No Good News

I ended up seeing my oncologist on Tuesday.  My blood clot has pretty much gone away.  My left arm is back to normal size.  I still have to take the blood thinner for awhile.

My CT scan showed two new growth spots on my liver, plus the original spot had gotten bigger, after months of no growth.  Since it has been over 3 months since my last chemo I guess it could be worse.  Brenda and I have both been pretty well bummed out by the news though.  I have to have a heart scan next Monday to see if it is strong enough to handle the new chemo drugs the doc wants me on.  Guess they can cause damage to the heart valves.  Assuming I test out okay with that, the following Monday I will get a PIC line put in for chemo.  That is put into my right arm and gives them a place to put the chemo drugs, since my infusion port had to be removed.  The PIC line gets put in at like 6am and then I go right over to the oncologist's office to start chemo.  Baring teeth

I was so hoping that I was done with chemo since it drags me out so bad.  But I have to try everything they have.  I am not a quitter and the stakes are rather high.

My blood tests were all good though.  My liver is fighting tooth and nail and my kidneys are hanging tough.  I am a tough old bird and am not going down easy.  Must be the Ziegler side of my family.

Not going to say much about Sabian.  He has called several times about getting his clothes.  He doesn't bother to ask about me.  The family really could have been using his help through this.  He rather spend his time drinking and doping.  If that is the best way he can think of to handle this mess then good riddance to him.  We were always there for him, regardless of the circumstances.  Nice way to repay us.  I will not be saying any more about him in the future.  Makes me too sad and he is not worth my tears any more.

I am getting pretty tired.  Been a long day of fighting computers and no real nap to speak of.  I will say so long for now.  Look forward to hearing from anybody willing to speak at me.  Take care and God Bless.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Gimme A Break!

It just keeps getting worse.  Or maybe I am just getting so wore down it seems that way.  My arm is almost back to normal size.  Still taking oral meds for the blood clot.  Go to the doc Monday for a blood test to see where I stand there.

Had my CT scan and full blood workups Friday.  Have to wait until next Wednesday for the results.  Don't know why I can't just talk to the doc on Monday.  He should have the results by then.  I know Monday's are busy over there but I hate playing the waiting game.  Especially when the stakes are so high.  It has been 3 months since I stopped chemo.  If there is new growth I don't know what options I would have left since I do not have the infusion port now.  I don't think I could do chemo without having a port.

Brenda has been limping around here.  She managed to get burns on the bottoms of both of her feet.  She was messing around at the burning barrel in her bare feet. 

No updates on Sabian.  He is about done at school.  Keeps getting suspended for not following the rules.  He is flunking almost all of his classes so we don't know why he bothers even going.  Such a shame.  He is a smart kid, just extremely lazy.  Plus he has always seemed to think that the universe revolves around him and that everybody should do what he thinks.  World has never worked that way buddy boy.  Grow up and get over it!

Yesterday was one of the worse days I have had in awhile.  Kept getting sick and was so tired.  I had woke up at 2:30am and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up and worked in the back room.  Slept okay last night so I feel a little better today.  Have lots of stuff to do so will get to it.

Thanks for checking back.  Please comment or email me.  God Bless!

Quote of the Day:
Life is hard. It’s even harder if you’re stupid.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life Goes On

Been quite awhile since the last update.  Sorry about that.  Many things been going on, none of them good unfortunately.

Thursday Brenda noticed that my left arm appeared to be swollen.  It was hurting or anything but she wouldn't let up on it.  She called my oncologist and he said it needed to be checked immediately.  So, off we went to Trinity for an emergency Doppler check.  Poor tech got called away from her son's ball game.  BUT, she did find a big blood clot.  So, the next stop was the Emergency Room.  They kind of lost me in there for a bit.  Once they checked me out they decided that my chemo infusion port was the cause.  So..... Friday morning a trip to Genesis to have the port removed.  That blew most of the day. Still have the clot.  On a blood thinner and a nightly shot to break it up.  Don't know what I will do if I ever need chemo again.  That port was a God send.

Sabian has not been home for about 3 weeks now.  He is mostly skipping school too.  Lost his job because of his bad attitude and poor attendance. Go figure Baring teeth  We have no clue what his problem is.  He is supposedly living with a known gang member and drug dealer.  He turns 18 on the 25th.  So welcome to the world of adults Buddy.  Sink or Swim, you are on your own, just how you wanted it.

I have lab tests and another CT scan on Friday.  Will know next week where I stand cancer wise.  Hoping for no growth still.

I will try to stay a little more current here.  Been having many stomach issues.  Most days I hardly want to leave the bed.   Thanks for checking back.

Quote of the Day:
Honk off, bozo.
--Eno, The Duplex

Friday, August 31, 2007

Life is Hell or so it seems

Just got sick again, for the third time today I think.  I am so tired of this.  I guess I may have to ask to see a specialist since neither my oncologist nor family doctor seem to have a clue.  Something has to be wrong somewhere.  The last visit to my oncologist he even asked me if I thought it was psychological.  Ha Ha - like I would ever dream of thinking myself sick.  I have woke up during the night and have gotten sick so that would be a good trick. Baring teeth


Sabian ran again.  He has been gone since last Saturday afternoon.  He was supposed to be going to work.  We don't know if he ever made it there or not.  He just never returned home.  He had talked about calling in sick so he could go to the Moonlight parade that Silvis had.  We told him No, he was scheduled to work so that was where he was going.  Guess he got mad about that, we don't know.  Not like there was a big fight or anything.  He has been going to school, which has us pissed off.  He is supposed to be listed as a runaway so he should have been arrested. But the a-holes at school figure as long as he shows up for school that is money in their pocket.  We have had people telling us about the crap he has been wearing at school, which we know he can't afford.  We figure we is dealing the drugs we know he has been using.  Sabian had so many people fooled, thinking he was such a nice boy.  Had us fooled too, until the last couple of months.  We just hope he doesn't end up dead or in jail, which is about the only two places he seems to be headed.  Nobody seems to be able to get through to him except his gang-banger buddies.

Pierre, on the other hand, has been great.  He doesn't want anything to do with his brother.  He willingly asks if there is anything we need help with.  He plays chauffeur for me if I have errands to run.  He has taken over Sabian's chores plus does his own.  We thank God that Pierre hasn't been a problem through all this.  I don't think we would have managed.

I have to try and get some sleep.  Still not sleeping well.  Always so tired...  I wouldn't wish that crap on my worst enemy, if I had one.  Appreciate every day - you never know what lurks around the corner.  Take care and leave me a comment or send me an email.  God Bless!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Still Plugging away

Yes, I am still here.  Been a bad day, on top of a bad week.  Still having tummy troubles.  Meds do not seem to be helping much.  I will probably end up back in the hospital unless something changes radically.

The good thing is that the kids are all back in school now! The peace and quiet was amazing.  I love them all dearly but the noise level drives me crazy some days.  Brenda and I had planned on doing some shopping today.  But I felt crappy and she didn't feel too good either.  Tomorrow hopefully will be better for both of us.

Enough for now - haven't slept good so time for bed.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bad week

Yep, the title says it all :(

Was still feeling bad (tummy aches and running mouth) so broke down and went to the doc (yes, I am stubborn.) Blood tests were all okay. Was not dehydrated, which even I can't understand seeing how much I seem to spit out. Doc prescribed a couple of new meds, one to increase my appetite and the other to hopefully decrease the running mouth problem. Well so far I am eating a bit better but my mouth just doesn't seem to want to quit running. Really tired of spitting into a waste can or swallowing it. Gross, I know but what can I say. Cancer sucks! Just can't seem to get a break.

Not sleeping very good either. Take an Ambien CR and a Tylenol PM and still wake up most nights around 3-4am and take awhile to fall back asleep.

I am really starting to get discouraged. Been off of chemo for almost 7 weeks now and still am not feeling any better. Thought my body would recover better than this.

So sick and tired of being sick and tired :( Common complaint from cancer victims but still true. All I wish for at this point is ONE day where I don't hurt or feel so dog tired. Heck, I would settle for 8 hours.

Well, body says time for a rest. I will lay down for awhile and see what happens.

Take care!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday August 7th

Still not feeling too great - seem to be tired too much - tummy hurts alot. Should be feeling better by now. Might have to break down soon and go to the doctor to see what else I can try. One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't type of things.

Sabian is still home, being his usual PITA (pain in the ass) self. He is talking about going back to football. That is somewhat positive. Time will tell. We are not going to give up on him, no matter how bad he treats us.

Time to try to eat some supper. Please leave a comment, even if it is just to say hey!

Take care and God Bless.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Friday August 3rd

Well, on the Sabian front... he ended up back home. Brenda kind of caved because the police had only given Sabian a choice of coming home or going to the county jail. Sabian still says that he is out of here when he turns 18. We can only hope that he wises up before that happens. We have always wanted him to graduate high school and know if he leaves our house, he will drop out. He was doing great until he started listening to the wrong people. He hasn't said one word to me since he came back home Thursday afternoon. I am hoping that me having cancer is part of his problem. He has never said a word to me about it. That hurts to think he just doesn't care.

On the health front, today has been horrible. Have gotten "sick" four times, which I hadn't done in months. No clue as to why. Once or twice a day is normal. Tuesday I think I made it through the whole day without getting sick. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason why it happens. I so want to gain some weight but that is near impossible when my stomach usually feels so bad. I am down to 163 pounds now. Can't afford to lose much more. Sure don't want to have to go back to the hospital and get nutrition through a darn tube.

Well enough for now - please keep us in your prayers - take care and God Bless.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Big Change (for the worse)

Not with my health, thank God.

Sabian, our oldest son, decided today that he didn't want to be part of the family any more. He is going to be 18 in September and had been talking of leaving then. A HUGE mistake on his part but we were tired of fighting him on EVERYTHING. Anybody with children is aware of the drill. Parents know nothing and the teen knows it all. He seemed to think that he was the boss of the house. Had the guts to tell me last night that I had no business speaking my mind in my own house. Not going to belabor the point. All of the kids have been told for literally years that if they left the family under bad conditions that they would not be allowed to return to living here. It is a crying shame that one person's selfishness causes so much grief for eight others.

He will always be our son. Nothing will ever change that. The whole family loves him. We wish him well. Just hope his friends who have been filling his head with crap are all willing to give him support. Shelter, food, clothes, and transportation do not come cheap in this world. Guess some people have to learn life the hard way.

If you have any spare prayers, please send a few Sabian's way. He is surely in need of some. The family will surely be upset while we work through this transition. BUT, we are strong and will continue to survive just fine. Please keep us in your prayers. Thanks for your understanding.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Long Week

Doesn't seem like it has been a week since my last update - time sure flies!

Where do I start? Tuesday morning we went to the oncologist for my CT scan results. Great news there, at least. No growth at all! No shrinkage of the remaining spot on my liver but the doc was happy to see no growth. Don't have to go back to him now until September!! More time to get my body closer to normal. We left about noon to go to Adventureland, an amusement park, located outside of Des Moines, Iowa. We stayed at the Adventureland Inn. Had a room just off of the kiddie pool area. The kids played most of the afternoon and evening in the pool. We had a pizza party there. Went to the park most of Wednesday. I had rented a motorized wheelchair to use. That made things much easier. I mostly played photographer. I did do the Teacups and River Rapids log ride. Got some great pictures to share when I put them on the computer later. Spent a little time in the hot tub that night. I was not feeling very good most of the time there. BUT it was very important to me to spend some quality time with my family. It might be our last vacation together as a full family. Sabian turns 18 in two months - no telling if he will still be home next summer.

I still am not feeling very well. Woke up twice during the night and got sick. Not able to eat much today - tummy is so weird feeling. A full month out of chemo now - should be feeling better than this :( Since my tummy is so weird I am back to soft foods for a bit to see if that helps.

That is it for now - stay tuned - Same Bat time - Same Bat channel LOL

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday July 21st

Well, I was just getting ready to do a post and got sick :( It has passed so I will try again. Don't know what is going on and am getting pretty tired of it. I ate pretty good today but did get sick this afternoon too. Still hoping to get over this weirdness.

We ran a few errands tonight. Finally got my friend Pat's computer back to her. Had to do many updates and scans. Been over a year since I last worked on it. Added alot of goodies for her Incredimail program. I really enjoy mine and think she will love hers too. Incredimail offers some really cool stuff such as animations. They also offer a free screensaver called Magentic. That has tons of great wallpapers and animated screensavers. I enjoy just sitting and watching them. Some of them are so real you would swear that you were outside.

Gonna call it a night - take care and God Bless. Post a comment!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Time gets away from you

Funny how time can get away from you :( So much for daily updates...

Well things seem to be improving somewhat. I am actually able to eat meat again! The other night Brenda was eating a leftover Whopper. It smelled good to me so I asked her for a bite. I didn't know if I could tolerate it. It tasted good so I asked for another bite lol. Weird how the last few months I couldn't tolerate even the smell of most meat without feeling sick. Brenda bought some Corky's BBQ'd ribs from QVC and made some up the other night. They tasted good too!!

I am still getting sick almost every day (the coughing up of phlegm.) Hopefully that will dissipate soon. Maybe my body is slowly getting back to normal, whatever that is now. Nothing will ever be the same after cancer hits.

Today was the last official day as an employee of Quad Cities Online. We had a food day down at the office yesterday. It was great seeing everybody that had moved over to the Rock Island Argus. We had some good conversation and some great food. I ate pretty well, even a few bites of a cheddar brat. I did get sick just before we left for home. Got almost everything packed up from the office. Still have the small refrigerator to clean out and transport home.

Tripped on the way to the dining room - darn aero bed strap caught my big toe. Scraped my right knee and elbow a bit - hate being clumsy and weak. Hope that will pass too.

Enough for now - take care and God Bless.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Just another manic monday

Not too much to say about today. Our Internet was down most of the day. Ended up having to go to the cable company and changing out the cable modem. Then when I tried things, the wireless router did not want to work. I played with it for HOURS :( Finally it just started working again - WTF?? Think the cable company's server just took its sweet time recognizing my router. At least it has been working fine every since. We have had sporatic Internet failures over the last few months, which was probably the cable modem slowly dying. Onward and upward from now on!

Weight was stable - ate ok today. Appettite seems to be slowly getting better. I would love to be able to at least tolerate eating some meat, maybe even a steak! We will have to see about that but I am hopeful.

Time for bed - got a ton of things to do tomorrow - energy permitting, of course.

There is a new poll at the bottom of the blog - please check it out when you get a chance. Til tomorrow - same Bat time - same Bat channel LMAO

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday update

I felt good enough today to do some work outside. It was a beautiful day and my van was in the shade. So I decided to do some cleaning and maintenance. As usual, I overdid it. I took lots of breaks, where I sat down in a chair but it made no difference. My body decides when it is overly tired. When I finally broke down and went inside, I ended up getting sick. I then laid down and rested for over an hour. Felt a little better so I got up and ate some soup. I will go to bed early tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more energy. I have plenty to do in the house. I just have to learn when to call it quits, before I get overly tired. It seems to be a fine line between what I want to do and what my body will allow me to do.

This next week I am hoping to really start feeling better. It will be the fourth week after chemo. So it is the best break I have had since I started this chemo roller coaster. I have lab tests and a CT scan on Thursday. Hopefully they will show things are still okay. I do NOT want to have to start up with chemo for a long while.

Please send a prayer my way on Thursday - take care and God Bless.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday update

As usual I have missed a few days lol.

I have been eating a little better. Weight is up a few pounds. Was working outside on the cars yesterday and did too much. Ended up having to take a long nap. Felt good enough later to go run some errands.

It has been three full weeks since chemo ended. I still don't feel much better. I think it is still working itself out of my system. Chemo is such nasty stuff. It is a definite catch 22. Yes, it kills the cancer cells but also kills good cells. I have read that chemo kills more people than the cancer. It sure screws your body up royally. What is worse is that the oncologist said that when the cancer shows back up, as it will almost surely do, he will need to try different chemo drugs. Cancer gets immune to the drugs used. Eventually, they will run out of things to use. Unless they come up with something new soon that is more effective I will run out of options.

We keep praying for a miracle. We are trying our best to maintain a positive attitude but that is hard to do. I am losing my job at QC Online as of the 22nd. Then I will be drawing from a long term disability fund that only pays 60% of what I used to make. I have already been approved for Social Security disability but that doesn't kick in until the end of November. My COBRA insurance is going to cost me almost $800 every month, leaving little or nothing to live on. What a wonderful world we live in. When you need help the most nothing is available. We are looking into every option out there but things do not look good.

Enough for now - keep us in your prayers - take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday update

Yes, I know I have been bad. Been feeling pretty rotten for quite awhile. This is now the third week after chemo and still no real improvement. Maybe next week :)

My weight is still holding steady around 166. Brenda says I could be a poster child for African relief. My ribs and legs are so skinny I hardly recognize myself. I am eating ok but just not enough to put any weight back on.

I will try to post everyday, if I am able.

Please post some comments!

People undergoing a major life crisis such as cancer can always use some reassurance. Just knowing that people care can make a huge difference. Just a note that offers prayers or a "thinking of you" means so much. I recently read a very good book that covers such things. I will post a blog about it soon. Might make great reading.

Thanks for being there - take care and God Bless.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday update

Still hanging in there. Tummy still bothers me but I am holding steady on my weight. This is the second week out of chemo. I have felt a little more energy but still get pooped out easy. Hoping it keeps getting better. Not sleeping very good. The new cushion on the bed helps alot but I think that my Ambien CR is crapping out. Might be time to try something else.

Got a ton of things to do before I poop out :) Later.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Feeling a bit better

Today I am feeling a little bit better. Still have a tummy ache but haven't gotten sick. That in itself is a big step forward. Eating and drinking is going better too. Maybe I have turned a corner here :) I sure hope so. I am so tired of being sick and tired. I have finished a few projects I have wanted to do for ages. Just finished updating my list of DVD's. They are finally organized, both my master copies and the ones I made for the kids. The kids are notorious for leaving their DVD's laying around. They leave them out of the cases so they end up getting scratched and unusable.

Maybe I can start updating this blog on an every day basis, now that I am feeling better. I still poop out quickly but am able to get a few things done.

Until next time - take care and God Bless.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Week Later

Well, it has been a whole week off of chemo as of yesterday. Looks like it will take much longer than I was hoping to start feeling better. Don't know what I was thinking, just wishful I guess. The last couple of cycles I never really felt much better, even when I got to go three weeks off, instead of the original two weeks off. Maybe by the middle of July I will start picking up some. Got to keep telling myself one day at a time. I am just anxious to get some energy so I can do more around the house to help. I hate feeling helpless and worthless. There is so much to be done. I don't want Brenda trying to do it all by herself. She tries hard to but I can't afford for her to burn herself out.

We got a foam cushion for the bed last night. I have gotten so thin my ribs and hips have been getting sore from the pressure of laying down. It is 8 inches thick, 3 inches of memory foam and the other 5 inches of egg crate type. If that doesn't help I don't know what would. We are putting it on the bed today.

Got to get some other work done while I still have some "juice" left. Til next time.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Still waiting

I guess I am getting impatient. This is my fourth day out of chemo and I am still pretty messed up. Wife was trying to talk me into going to the hospital because I had two episodes of vomiting right before bed. That was on top of doing it several times earlier during the day. My weight has dropped more in the last few weeks. My stomach usually does not feel nauseous when I vomit. Many times I start coughing and then start heaving. Some times I just get the feeling and grab the waste can just in time. I rarely vomit food, even if I had recently ate. It is almost always mucous, like from deep in back of my throat. My mouth will be filling up continually with saliva and my nose starts dripping. After a few minutes it is all over, until the next time. Sorry to be so graphic but the symptoms just seem so strange. Neither my oncologist or family doctor really know why this happens to me. My oncologist prescribed a cough syrup, which helps some. Unfortunately, since I can vomit without the coughing spells I am starting to think I won't get over this. It might be a by-product of the chemo. Only time will tell on that.

Until next time - take care and God Bless.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Sorry for the "vacation"

This has been a rough week. Never had a chemo week that was so bad. Doctor gave me a new med to help with my naseua and appettite. Don't know if that was the cause but all I wanted to do all week was sleep. If I wasn't in bed I was dozing in my recliner. I still feel zapped. I am hoping that the break in chemo allows my body to recuperate some.

I have a million things I should be doing but haven't had the energy to do. I will try to issue another update soon. Take care and God Bless.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good News!

Went to the oncologist this morning. My blood tests were really good. He decided that this round of chemo could be my last one for awhile. I have been steadily losing weight and was getting too skinny. I was supposed to have 6 total. This week is number 5. Good riddance! I get the fanny pack off Friday at 1:00pm. Then a well deserved break. I have another CT scan next month so will see then if the chemo is still doing its job. I am tired so time to hit the hay. Take care and God Bless.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chemo Brain

I just bought a t-shirt that says "I Have Chemo Brain - What's Your Excuse?" For anyone that has any experience with chemo, either as a patient or caregiver, they know what that means. For the rest of you chemo brain refers to what happens to we unfortunates that have to undergo chemotherapy. Chemo has a tendency to whack out our brains lol. We frequently have short term memory loss. I think I referred to it in a previous post. Ask me about something 20 years ago and I will probably remember. Ask me about something 15 minutes ago and you might get a blank stare from me. That happens alot to me also. My wife will ask me what I am thinking about and doesn't believe me when I tell her nothing. I am just staring into space like I am brain dead. I have at least one more round of chemo after the one next week. People have told me that things will improve once I can stop taking chemo. I guess time will tell on that. I am certainly looking forward to a life without chemo, at least for awhile. I do not like being addle minded and feeling like I have no energy. Cancer sucks but anything that I have to do to remain alive will be worthwhile.

Please post a comment about any experiences you have had concerning cancer. Take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just another day

Well, started the day by making myself an egg and cheese sandwich. One of my favorite breakfast meals. Tasted good but shortly thereafter I got sick to my stomach. Bummer but I should be used to that by now. Didn't have much for lunch because I never really felt good. I did get around to cleaning out the dryer duct work. That pretty much did me in. My energy level is very low most days. Never know how long I will be able to last before my body poops out. I use a cane to walk since I am usually unsteady on my feet. If we go shopping I have my own wheelchair to use. I hate having to use those things but when my body decides it has had enough I have to sit down NOW!

This should be my best week since it is my third week after chemo. Didn't seem to make much difference though. I start a new round of chemo on Monday. Royal bummer! I really hate chemo. But as long as it is helping me stay alive I have no choice. I still think that the "cure" is as bad as the disease. I have been screwed up since I started chemo.

Enough for today - take care and God Bless.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Book and a Website - highly recommended

I just got done reading "I'd Rather Have Chemo Than Clean Out the Garage" by Fran Giacomo.

You can find it here:

It is a very humorous book. Good reading even for friends or caregivers of cancer patients. Read the reviews on for more information.

I also have a great website for buying cancer awareness products. The company shares part of their profits with cancer related charities. They have a great selection and the prices are very reasonable. The website also has some great information and links.
Please check out:

I just bought awareness bracelets for my whole family. I also bought a t-shirt, hat, pins and buttons (all with positive messages.) I am trying to maintain a positive outlook so anything that reinforces that is welcome. The buttons I have put on my hat and a vest that I frequently wear.

I will recommend some more books in the near future. I bought many books from about cancer and nutrition.

Enough for now - take care and God Bless.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I haven't felt very good all weekend. Very tired and alot of tummy aches. Our church had a benefit for me Saturday night. Taco supper and a silent auction. Brenda took soup for me to eat since I can't tolerate much of normal food. I did eat a piece of lemon merangue pie, which actually tasted good. Think I ate too much though because I got to feeling sick. Found a couch to stretch out on until the feeling passed. It was nice seeing everybody. There was a good turnout. We haven't been to church very much since my surgery. It is hard enough to try to get 7 kids up and moving. Almost impossible with a slow moving dad. I felt bad on Mother's Day but I made sure we were at church for that. I felt it was important to be there.

I have ordered a couple of T-shirts that say Cancer Sucks! and gives my blog address. They also say have Cancer Questions? and gives the Onchochat website address. I hope to raise a little awareness about cancer and maybe help answer some questions too.

I almost feel like I am talking to myself. Only a few people have commented here. Please help spread the word and post my blog address when you get the chance. I would really appreciate that. Take care and God Bless.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Telling the Children

We had planned on breaking the news of my cancer to the kids while we were in a family meeting at the local Gilda's Club. Gilda's Club, for those not familiar with it, is an organization started by Gene Wilder, the husband of the late comedian, Gilda Radner. Gilda died of cancer and Gene started the club in her honor. They offer a place for people to meet and share their experiences regarding cancer. Brenda and I had already attended a new member meeting. We had a meeting set up for the whole family, with one of their trained counsellors. We were on the way to the meeting when Daveon, our youngest, got sick all over the van. We had to turn around and go back home. My wife and I decided we needed to go ahead and break the news to them by ourselves, as they already knew something was up.

Telling them about my cancer and possible death was the hardest thing I think we ever had to do. Brenda did most of the talking, bless her heart. We all used many tissues that night. The littlest ones did not really understand what we were talking about, other than mommy and daddy were very upset.

We have always tried to be open and honest with our children. We continue to reaffirm to them that daddy has cancer and will be very sick for awhile. We also tell them constantly that daddy will keep fighting and hopefully be around for a long time. But we also make sure they know that things will continue to be rough and that daddy might not make it. We tell them frequently how much we love them and things will be okay. We have many friends and relatives that have been very supportive. I am sure that if I lose my fight with cancer that the support will be there to help Brenda and the family. For now all we can do is fight the hard fight and pray for a miracle. Enough for now - take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This week so far has been a wash. Have felt really drained all week. Tuesday both Brenda and I had some bug - throwing up and could hardly move out of the bed. Glad the kids can handle things fairly well on their own, with minimal supervision. I still feel drained but can't seem to sleep. So, here I am, trying to do something constructive. I just seem to keep falling further and further behind on projects. Can't even muster enough energy to keep my computer organized. I am trying to work on that now. I so hate not feeling good enough to do things that used to be so simple. My weight has stabilized down at 180-182. I don't like being that far down but can't eat enough to gain any back. Trying to eat more smoothies with some protein powder. If my stomach will just cooperate :(

Enough for now - take care and God Bless. Keep those prayers coming in - thanks!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

My Family

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Going through the cancer experience is hard enough. It is darn near impossible for many people, myself included, to go through it without having a great caregiver by their side. My wife, Brenda, has been my rock this whole time. I would never have been able to handle things on my own. She keeps track of all of my many appointments (doctors, labs, etc.) She keeps on me about drinking fluids and taking my meds. Just about anything else of importance she has to remind me about because chemo tends to cause short term memory loss. Ask me about something 20 years ago and I will probably remember. Ask me about something that happened 15 minutes ago and I will probably draw a blank. I just found a good book that might be helpful for people close in your life to read. It is called "help me live - 20 things people with cancer want you to know" by Lori Hope. I got it through It had great reviews and I will be reading it soon. Then I will pass it along to somebody in my family.

Many caregivers will wear themselves out, taking care of everybody else, but neglecting themselves. It is important to make your caregiver understand that they must take care of themselves first or they won't be able to provide the care the sick person needs. My wife, bless her soul, not only takes care of me but our 7 children. I try to help with as much as I am able and the kids have been somewhat helpful. They usually don't volunteer for chores but will help when asked. Caregivers NEED to be able to ask for help, whenever needed. Many people (family, friends, church members, etc.) will be more than willing to help out with things, IF they are asked. Do not be afraid to ask for help. It can be for many different tasks from taking the sick person to an appointment to helping with meals.

Caregivers are a very important part of the cancer experience. I hope that you have somebody that can fulfill this vital role. Take care and God Bless.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Bad week

Been a bad week overall. Seem to be tired most of the time (yeah, a recurring theme.) Was able to run a few errands today. Came home and took a nap. Got up and got sick. When I felt a little better I had my wife ran me up to Illini Hospital. They were throwing a reunion party for past employees. Turnout was really good. I got to see people that I hadn't seen for the best part of 20 years. Really wiped me out though. I was only there for about 2.5 hours, which is doing good for me. A few of them are either going through cancer now or recently finished with treatments. Always nice, for lack of a better word, to talk with others that are going through what I am. I don't feel so much like the Lone Ranger then.

I know that many people are fighting cancer, in one form or another. I am far from the sickest, comparatively speaking. But, I can only relate what I am feeling, due to my experiences so far. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. There seems to be no end in sight. Even when I beat this round (and I will) I know that the odds call for recurrences. Cancer is so unfair. Many people just say suck it up and do what I need to do. Easy for them to say. Unless you have personally gone through cancer yourself or with a loved one, you can't really have a clue of how hard it can be. Enough for now - take care and God Bless.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So Tired

Extreme fatigue - seems to be one of the biggest complaints I have heard about people with cancer, especially those undergoing chemo. From my experience I would have to agree. Most days I am so tired and weak I can't do much of anything. Some days I am only good for 10-15 minutes before my body gets pooped out. A good day I can go 1-2 hours, like for a shopping trip to Walmart, before I get exhausted. When my body says it is time, I have to sit down NOW before I fall down. My legs just go weak. I use a cane to walk everywhere, just to steady myself. Doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I got the night before or how long I have rested. Some people have told me that once I am off of chemo my body will recover to a decent energy level. I so hope that is true. I feel so worthless at times because I am so used to doing things that I just can not do anymore. I know it is a side effect of the cancer and/or chemo but that is not good enough of a reason for me. My wife, bless her soul, not only has to take care of our 7 children but has to do so much for her biggest baby, me. I would have been lost without her being right by my side through this whole cancer mess. Enough about this - time for a nap :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Story - so far

Ok - here goes :) I am a 51 year old male. Been married for almost 27 years to Brenda, truly my better half. We have adopted 4 children and are currently working on adopting 3 more, siblings to our two oldest boys. We have been foster parents for over 22 years. We lost count after 180 some kids over all these years. We have also done day care for many years.

I was starting to feel very fatigued way back in November. Typical male, I just kept thinking I would get over whatever it was. Then in January I was off of work for 6 days with a bad case of the flu. The day I thought I was over it I took Brenda out for breakfast at our favorite restaurant. I took two bites out of my favorite breakfast skillet and then had to run to the bathroom. Brenda called the doctor's office and we got there shortly thereafter. He had some lab tests run and sent me home to rest. Later that afternoon he called to say my hemoglobin was really low and he wanted me to see a specialist. I saw the specialist the next afternoon. He took one look at me and read my lab tests. Told me to go right to the Emergency Room, that I most likely needed some blood. That started the whole ball rolling - straight downhill.

I got admitted in ER and started getting fluids and tests. I ended up getting 3 pints of blood! No wonder I was so pooped. They couldn't figure out why I was so low since I had not been passing blood in my urine or stools. SOOOO - the famous scope tests were in order. The upper scope found a bad bleeding ulcer, right next to a mass, which they biopsied. The doc that did the scope may have told me what he found but I was so doped up that I remember nothing about the test or who might have talked to me.

The next morning, bright and early, a surgeon came in (woke me up when I had almost not slept all night.) Told me that I had a cancerous tumor that needed to be removed as soon as possible. It looked to be about golf ball sized from the pictures that they took through the scope. I know I was almost in shock. When I heard the dreaded word CANCER nothing else made much of an impression. I expected to hear about an ulcer, not about cancer. I vaguely remember agreeing to surgery. My wife wasn't due in the hospital until after 8:00am because she had to get kids off to school. So I was a real wreck for awhile, never felt so scared in my life. Then I thought I would use my laptop to do some quick research on the Internet about gastric cancer. The hospital had free wi-fi access. Imagine my surprise and further shock when Windows totally crashed before my eyes. Thank you Bill Gates - grrr. Thankfully I am a PC technician and had what I needed to repair my machine. Took me all day to do that. When Brenda got there she said she knew that it was cancer and thought I knew. The first of many times while I was in the hospital that I was so drugged up that I did not know what was going on or even who was in the room with me. I did have a lower scope the next day or two that found nothing. My intestines were full of blood from the ulcer.

I had surgery at 7:00am on a Sunday morning. Yes, I found it hard to believe a doctor doing surgery on a Sunday especially that early. He expected it to last 2.5-3.0 hours but it turned into 5 hours. The tumor was actually tennis ball sized and was right next to my esophagus. The surgeon took half of my stomach and two inches of esophagus, along with my spleen, appendix and 15 lymph nodes, 7 of which were cancerous. I was in Intensive Care for only 1 day, instead of the 2-3 that they thought I would be there. I was released 8 days after surgery. I was sent home to recuperate for 6 weeks.

An oncologist had come in for a consult while I was in the hospital. Brenda and I went to see him in mid-March. He scheduled a PET scan. That showed some suspicious spots on my liver so he ordered a CT scan. That showed 9 cancerous spots. At that point we had no idea of what we were facing. We asked him for a prognosis. He asked us several times if we really wanted to know. Not a good sign but we said yes. He told us based on my scans that the average gastric cancer patient had 4-6 months without chemotherapy (chemo from now on) and 10-12 months with chemo. Felt like we were sucker punched. He even questioned us about our plans of going through with the adoption. Said we might want to rethink that - we said no way.

I started my first round of chemo soon after. My memory started getting fuzzy after that. Cancer sucks royally but chemo is a close second. I might have been a bit weak still after having major surgery but chemo drained me dry. I have never felt so fatigued in my entire life and still feel that way.

I had three rounds of chemo. Had one week of chemo then two weeks off to let me body try to recover from it. Chemo is so highly toxic to the body. It doesn't discriminate much - kills cancer cells, sure but also kills many good cells. I get 5FU and cesplatin and one other I do not remember now. I get the two on a Monday and the 5FU I get the rest of the week via a pump. Yeah, that is a real barrel of laughs - tethered to a fanny pack that carries the pump. Impossible to take a shower and damn hard to use the bathroom lol.

Had a CT scan awhile ago on a Thursday and had to wait until the next Monday to see the oncologist for the results. Jeez - waiting is one of the hardest parts of this whole cancer crap! BUT it was great news. He was just looking for no growth. I actually had 8 of the 9 spots get so small they were barely visible. The biggest spot had gone down after in half! I had been all ready to tell him no more chemo if it wasn't doing any good. He said we needed to do three more rounds and see where that brings me.

I completed round four last Thursday. Was rough the whole week, more than it had ever affected me. I knew I was going to feel bad the next 3-4 days because that always happened after a round of chemo. I insisted on the family going on a camping trip we had planned for many months. I felt miserable almost the entire time. I threw up alot and could hardly eat or drink. I lost almost 10 pounds between the 24th and 29th. It was important to me and my wife to do the camping trip. We had our first date at Lake Storey campground, 29 years ago. We have tried every year since then to either go camping there or at least have a picnic there. Had only missed a few years, usually due to problems with scheduling the kids, who were in foster care. We usually go camping with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law, who share a house in a neighboring town. They have been very supportive of us. It was nice spending time with them, even though I felt so sick.

Whew! Haven't typed this much in ages. I am thinking of getting a custom Tshirt that says Cancer Sucks on one side and I Hate Chemo on the other. Cancer has changed my life in many ways. Sounds like things to blog about later :) Hope something here has been helpful. Please feel free to make some comments. That's it for now.

Welcome to My Nightmare

Not sure how I will be using this blog or how often. Feel free to check back whenever you feel the need. I would love to hear from others facing cancer. Doesn't matter if you are currently undergoing treatment, are a cancer survivor, or a friend of a somebody with cancer. We all have experiences to share and hopefully learn from. Please refrain from offensive language. I also do not appreciate people that lie or make themselves out to be something they are not. With me, WYSIWYG (What You See IS What You Get.) No more, no less.

Whatcha waiting on? Post something already! :)