Monday, July 30, 2007

Big Change (for the worse)

Not with my health, thank God.

Sabian, our oldest son, decided today that he didn't want to be part of the family any more. He is going to be 18 in September and had been talking of leaving then. A HUGE mistake on his part but we were tired of fighting him on EVERYTHING. Anybody with children is aware of the drill. Parents know nothing and the teen knows it all. He seemed to think that he was the boss of the house. Had the guts to tell me last night that I had no business speaking my mind in my own house. Not going to belabor the point. All of the kids have been told for literally years that if they left the family under bad conditions that they would not be allowed to return to living here. It is a crying shame that one person's selfishness causes so much grief for eight others.

He will always be our son. Nothing will ever change that. The whole family loves him. We wish him well. Just hope his friends who have been filling his head with crap are all willing to give him support. Shelter, food, clothes, and transportation do not come cheap in this world. Guess some people have to learn life the hard way.

If you have any spare prayers, please send a few Sabian's way. He is surely in need of some. The family will surely be upset while we work through this transition. BUT, we are strong and will continue to survive just fine. Please keep us in your prayers. Thanks for your understanding.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
Sorry to hear about Sabian...what can you do? He's a young 17 year "old" man:-) I remember when I was that age and had it all figured out. Boy, was I in for a BIG surprise! He'll get it all figured out too, but it's not always sooner than later. So, don't you and Brenda spend too much time beating yourself up over this. He's got good folks praying for him so he'll be just fine, one way or another. You just get better Kim. Tell the gang I said "Howdy!".

Anonymous said...

It's tough being a parent these days there are so many obstacles out there. Our 18 year old has been giving us fits until two weeks ago when we got a call from the police to come get her car. That scared her and she has settled down some. I am praying for you and take care of yourself sometimes they have to make their own mistakes.
