Saturday, September 29, 2007

No Good News

I ended up seeing my oncologist on Tuesday.  My blood clot has pretty much gone away.  My left arm is back to normal size.  I still have to take the blood thinner for awhile.

My CT scan showed two new growth spots on my liver, plus the original spot had gotten bigger, after months of no growth.  Since it has been over 3 months since my last chemo I guess it could be worse.  Brenda and I have both been pretty well bummed out by the news though.  I have to have a heart scan next Monday to see if it is strong enough to handle the new chemo drugs the doc wants me on.  Guess they can cause damage to the heart valves.  Assuming I test out okay with that, the following Monday I will get a PIC line put in for chemo.  That is put into my right arm and gives them a place to put the chemo drugs, since my infusion port had to be removed.  The PIC line gets put in at like 6am and then I go right over to the oncologist's office to start chemo.  Baring teeth

I was so hoping that I was done with chemo since it drags me out so bad.  But I have to try everything they have.  I am not a quitter and the stakes are rather high.

My blood tests were all good though.  My liver is fighting tooth and nail and my kidneys are hanging tough.  I am a tough old bird and am not going down easy.  Must be the Ziegler side of my family.

Not going to say much about Sabian.  He has called several times about getting his clothes.  He doesn't bother to ask about me.  The family really could have been using his help through this.  He rather spend his time drinking and doping.  If that is the best way he can think of to handle this mess then good riddance to him.  We were always there for him, regardless of the circumstances.  Nice way to repay us.  I will not be saying any more about him in the future.  Makes me too sad and he is not worth my tears any more.

I am getting pretty tired.  Been a long day of fighting computers and no real nap to speak of.  I will say so long for now.  Look forward to hearing from anybody willing to speak at me.  Take care and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I just would like everyone to know that you are doing good and Kim is really trying hard to beat this dame CANCER. Things have been really hard on me with having to try and stay off of my feet and to take care of the house and kids, Pierre and Sierra have been doing really good about helping, and the little kids have been helping by doing some extra chores for us.

We really do pull together and get things done as a family. As for having big meals that will have to wait a awhile. I am able to stand more and more on my feet everyday, but for now I am trying my best.

Kim seams to be sleeping a little better at night, and is eating a little better too.

We sure hope that this new stuff will help him.

I LOVE him with all my heart,
Love Brenda, Kim's wife of almost 27 years and mother to our 7 kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy. Gettin' ready to hit the sack and thought I'd check in on how you're doing. Keep up the good fight.
I'll be saying some prayers for you tonight. Tell the gang I said,"howdy."
Your ol' walking partner...and friend.

Anonymous said...

Just want you all to know that Cara and I are thinking of all of you up in the Quad Cities down here in Fl. And that we look forward to seeing all of you when we come home for Christmas. We send our love to all of you. All families stick together in times like these.
Much love from the two of us

Diane your buddy from mhs and Cara

My Yesterdays said...

hey buddy.. you keep fighting cause I know you well at least for 8 years so far you wont let this thing get to you .. Miss ya a bunch and think of you always.. Take care Brenda your a god send to kim..

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you my friend *hugs*