Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday August 7th

Still not feeling too great - seem to be tired too much - tummy hurts alot. Should be feeling better by now. Might have to break down soon and go to the doctor to see what else I can try. One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't type of things.

Sabian is still home, being his usual PITA (pain in the ass) self. He is talking about going back to football. That is somewhat positive. Time will tell. We are not going to give up on him, no matter how bad he treats us.

Time to try to eat some supper. Please leave a comment, even if it is just to say hey!

Take care and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Hi from Fl. we got some rain today and also noise with it.
Thinking about you all.
Take care and love form st.cloud

Adam said...

Hi Kim. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

hi kim, stay alive! :( well i hope you do.. would love to meet you and give ya a hug!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim, You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Love from texas

Anonymous said...

Kim & family, keep fighting!! god bless you all

My Yesterdays said...

Ok were you at and how you feeling been kind of busy myself the past few days .. need to get on the puter a little more I guess .. Take care of you and see a doc will ya .. Miss ya alot.
Your buddy

thomasd said...

hi ted thomasdfrom paltalk ment what i said earlier about hypnotherapist stay positive stay strong you are in my thoughts