Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So Tired

Extreme fatigue - seems to be one of the biggest complaints I have heard about people with cancer, especially those undergoing chemo. From my experience I would have to agree. Most days I am so tired and weak I can't do much of anything. Some days I am only good for 10-15 minutes before my body gets pooped out. A good day I can go 1-2 hours, like for a shopping trip to Walmart, before I get exhausted. When my body says it is time, I have to sit down NOW before I fall down. My legs just go weak. I use a cane to walk everywhere, just to steady myself. Doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I got the night before or how long I have rested. Some people have told me that once I am off of chemo my body will recover to a decent energy level. I so hope that is true. I feel so worthless at times because I am so used to doing things that I just can not do anymore. I know it is a side effect of the cancer and/or chemo but that is not good enough of a reason for me. My wife, bless her soul, not only has to take care of our 7 children but has to do so much for her biggest baby, me. I would have been lost without her being right by my side through this whole cancer mess. Enough about this - time for a nap :)


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you everyday. Hang in there Kim.

My Yesterdays said...

Ok kim your a day behind.. lets see a nother post if your up to it .. I was wondering explain the kind of tired you are so we can all understand it I really want to understand tired.. My mom would be completly tired and would get depressed over it wanting her energy back she said she felt drained of everything is that whats it like