Friday, July 20, 2007

Time gets away from you

Funny how time can get away from you :( So much for daily updates...

Well things seem to be improving somewhat. I am actually able to eat meat again! The other night Brenda was eating a leftover Whopper. It smelled good to me so I asked her for a bite. I didn't know if I could tolerate it. It tasted good so I asked for another bite lol. Weird how the last few months I couldn't tolerate even the smell of most meat without feeling sick. Brenda bought some Corky's BBQ'd ribs from QVC and made some up the other night. They tasted good too!!

I am still getting sick almost every day (the coughing up of phlegm.) Hopefully that will dissipate soon. Maybe my body is slowly getting back to normal, whatever that is now. Nothing will ever be the same after cancer hits.

Today was the last official day as an employee of Quad Cities Online. We had a food day down at the office yesterday. It was great seeing everybody that had moved over to the Rock Island Argus. We had some good conversation and some great food. I ate pretty well, even a few bites of a cheddar brat. I did get sick just before we left for home. Got almost everything packed up from the office. Still have the small refrigerator to clean out and transport home.

Tripped on the way to the dining room - darn aero bed strap caught my big toe. Scraped my right knee and elbow a bit - hate being clumsy and weak. Hope that will pass too.

Enough for now - take care and God Bless.

1 comment:

My Yesterdays said...

Well time does get away fron it dont it, it passes sometimes so fast we miss out on a lot of things when we blink our eyes. I will truely treasure all the fun times we had at work , and bug the heck out of you on IM lol, Thank God you have Brenda to be your support there at home , she is feeding you her strength and her love what a very special person she is .. see ya soon and Take care of you..
Your Buddy