Wednesday, June 6, 2007


This week so far has been a wash. Have felt really drained all week. Tuesday both Brenda and I had some bug - throwing up and could hardly move out of the bed. Glad the kids can handle things fairly well on their own, with minimal supervision. I still feel drained but can't seem to sleep. So, here I am, trying to do something constructive. I just seem to keep falling further and further behind on projects. Can't even muster enough energy to keep my computer organized. I am trying to work on that now. I so hate not feeling good enough to do things that used to be so simple. My weight has stabilized down at 180-182. I don't like being that far down but can't eat enough to gain any back. Trying to eat more smoothies with some protein powder. If my stomach will just cooperate :(

Enough for now - take care and God Bless. Keep those prayers coming in - thanks!


Anonymous said...

Well I don't feel that it's a wash...YOU HERE !!! Good job. Sorry to hear you both were not feeling well, glad you both are a bit better now. Glad that the children are being helpful, it must be so hard for them to understand all of this mess. Keep trying to do just a tiny bit a day and if you just keep pickin', it will work. Somedays I don't have the energy to get things organized either so NO WORRIES! Stay strong and love to you and yours. Love Your Dear Friend Forever, Susan

My Yesterdays said...

Hey buddy sorry to hear you and Brenda was not feeling well its the pits when both of you are not feeling well.. I think I got some kind of bug also dont know yet seems I feel as if I have an upset stomache a few times a week . but just came from the doc and all my vitals were good .. I dont know what it is. might even be this new meds im on. my bs keeps dropping so low dropped down to 65 today boy that was a trip . tell ya about it later take care of you and the family and take one step at a time.